Here you can find a non-exhaustive assortment of my prose: essays, articles, reviews, and arts writing. For a full CV with full publishing credits, email me at plujo7 at gmail dot com.
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If Autumn Knight is Here: Nothing Less
At Southwest Contemporary (2024)
Letters to Forrest Bess
At Annulet (2022)
Reading Houston’s Names: New & Old
at Cite Magazine (2018)
at SF MOMA's Open Space (2017)
at artnet (2017)
at Entropy & Houston Chronicle (2016)
at BOMB Magazine (2015)
Flashpoints on the Road to Black and Brown Power: Sites of Struggle in Houston in the '60s and '70s
at Cite Magazine (2010)
Outward from Nothingness: "How Could “We” Forget: Thinking through Heriberto Yépez’s The Empire of Neomemory"; Assorted Other Pieces from a Month-Long Guest Editorship
Pastelegram: "Review of There is no archive in which nothing gets lost"
Temporary Art Review: "The Incredible Attack on Grammar, a.k.a. ¡Go, Monterrey, Go!"
Free Press Houston: “City Council Mayhem: El desmadre de la política local”
HMTLGiant: "Thinking Around Julian Brolaski's gowanus atropolis", There will be nothing left here but the sea: A Review of Campeche by Joshua Edwards", "It Takes Two, Baby: long past the presence of common by j/j hastain; Dear Failures by Trey Sager"
Literal Magazine: "Ilan Stavans's The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature", "An Interview with Joseph Mulligan"
Quarterly Conversation: "Review of Don Mee Choi's The Morning News is Exciting"