¡Huelga! Support the Janitors!

Janitors in Houston walked out of work this week, fighting for contracts with six of the largest cleaning companies in Houston. The janitors work part time for $5.30 an hour and no health benifits. The majority are Latinas. No one can live on those wages. Nadie puede vivir bien ganando tan poco en la ciudad de Houston. To find out more about what's going on, go to the Houston Justice for Janitors site. O en español, hay información aquí.

The Chronicle seems to be doing their best printing anti-union op-eds and letters from anti-union folks. Desde luego, lo que se cuenta en los periodicos hispanos es todo lo opuesto. Una ciudad sumamente dividida.

There are daily picket lines and a big march this Saturday in the Galleria. Also, they are collecting food for the huelguistas. Read this letter to supporters on Indymedia to get all the details on what you can do to support.