Sacrificing Aesthetics

Well, feeling bad about not posting more. But, with too much to do, something suffers. Fall planting season in Houston. The little kale and chard keep being crushed by leaves falling from trees. Why people start seedlings inside. Somehow a segue into a discussion of aesthetics and politics featuring Adrienne Rich:

"There's a mainstream idea that you sacrifice aesthetics if you write about political positions," she said at a reception after the reading. "I don't think that's true." In one of her most pointed and overtly political poems, Rich sets her sights on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld '54, subverting his oft-referenced quote about troop readiness. Responding to charges that the army entered the Iraq War ill-equipped, Rumsfeld stated, "You go to war with the army you have." "You come back from war with the body you have," reads Rich's poem "Calibrations," which is set in a military hospital full of soldiers who have lost limbs in Iraq.

A little more here.