Slow down on Hopper Street. Or Nogalitos Springfield Lawson Dereloc right. Make puddles roll. Cars lost in ditches. Photos couldn't capture the how. Fireworks for sale up and down endless rocking rivers of steel built up into cliffsides trailers and shacks you sleep their day and night. Buildings and Monterrey lost in fog we wandered. Thought there might be a way out. Obsession. Like you said on the phone, keep it. Miles of farm roads become forests become pseudo subdivision become wood. How it molds so carelessly how it sags and turns food for termites home for bees cockroaches. A four story construction made of plywood concrete scraps railing a balcony at the top above the mechanic shop at the front all of it threatens to slide into a ditch deeper than my body flowing faster than we drive. Up above a dream world above the trees and improbable longings. Children on new fresh from the package bikes in that brief window before they too will be on that junkpile over there already sinking. Omaigod. Bulky feathered browned bunches long legs thick necks heads poke out of the cyclone fence. Stop the car. Heads rock and sway to whistling as the entire family gathers. Emu females emit eggs then the males over them while the females go on fucking. Males collecting eggs warm. Horses by tree houses by bright blue metal fencing. Run down wood house behind a two story brick wall fit for San Pedro Garza García arcos y ladrillos pedazos de alambre puestos entre los arcos para que no entren los ladrones. Call your City Council trash like waves of deliberation. Is this isolated enough? Stopped because of the pine, no a pond, dark and slimy back in the new woods. Discount. Abandoned. Nowhere to go but down down down into the rain and fog and moisture and slime and rot. A lost wood. Don't step in to lift it up. Floodwaters rise as a New Year dawns. The cracks on the side of the asphalt as slippage. The open wood door has metal grates orange glass the floor inside slopes down then on the other side of that doorway surges violently up. Thought a scream came from inside, just you with green leaves fourteen points on each one a node tiny air roots shooting out crying for nourishment. Ripped out to make home.