mi moto

enchanted by your oil on my face. lulled to pleasure having mounted you. this sweat, this grime, this summer spattered on my glasses on my face. an exercise in unimaginable titillation. senses expanded ready to receive. air sky glinting steadily on rooftops sheathed in graying asphalt shingles. small children stop plant feet straddling bikes and fences watch with pupils enlarged whites of eyes engorged imagine the speed. what matters is the slickness of satisfaction this joy ride an excuse to travel down jefferson telephone leeland dumble bell clay harrisburg altic polk henninger collier bump bumping over railroad ties and down inclines. visiting tambourines and summertime highscepades holding babies as the speed comforts youngones before sleep. an excuse for renewal. no a reason. all the while breathing in nighttime liberated from the cage of the houstonian transnightmare.