Some of these photos are taken on my camera and some were taken by Dean. More of Dean's fotos at his Picasa page.
The artists - Donna Huanca and Jorge Galván. Terrorist by DH in upper right corner.
The sculpture of plants (installed by all of us). Notice faint spiderwebs in air above sculpture. Preparty.
Another view of the plants and the telarañas from the party.Close up of webs.
Lady on the mantle by DH.
Close up of aforementioned terrorist. Felt painting by DH. More art by DH on her website.
Larger piece by JG on wall. And installation with bed, backboard and drawings also by JG.
Close up of one of the drawings featuring flying chain link fencing.
Close up of the birdie in the larger wall cut out drawing by JG.
Felt sculpture radio piece by DH.
The party was off the wall. Some two hundred people. Fun fun fun. Confetti y cascarones.Click these links for more: