for spring issue focused on Mexico
We are happy to share a call for submissions from Nimrod International Journal, one of the oldest "little magazines" in the country. Nimrod's Spring 2009 issue will be devoted to Mexico. They are interested in receiving poetry, short stories, and personal essays-in English or translated into English-by those currently living in Mexico, Mexican residents of other countries, and others who write about or from within the culture. Send no more than 10 pages of poetry, and stories and essays of no more than 7,500 words, in any subject or style. Translations should be accompanied by the original and, when necessary, a release from the author to publish in Nimrod. From the United States, mail submissions to: Nimrod Journal, The University of Tulsa, 800 S. Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK 74104 [Mark both the outer envelope and the cover letter with "Mexico issue."] Outside the United States, submissions will be accepted by mail or in the body of an email to The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2008. Please feel free to share this call widely. Visit the website for more information.