Relatives told the American Friends Service Committee that Hernandez was deported May 25 after being stopped for a traffic violation in San Diego, said Christian Ramirez, national coordinator of the group's Project Voice immigration reform campaign. He then returned to the U.S. illegally through the rugged mountains east of San Diego with his younger brother, who had also been deported, Ramirez said. They were arrested by the Border Patrol on Friday afternoon. Hernandez came to the U.S. when he was 14, followed by four brothers, and all of them work construction jobs, Ramirez said. He has mostly lived in the San Diego area with his wife of 21 years and five U.S.-born children.
News about the death from Nueva Raza is here and from the LA Times is here. More information about the autopsy is here. The San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium is organizing to fight for some kind of justice in this case (and in all similar cases past, present and future).