A Short Olympic Survey
Border-Crossing Olympians Unite!
Borders matter less and less. But on both sides of the border, these border crossers provoke concern, anger, inspiration and passion. Mainly, they face the wrath of the nationalists on both sides who think their border crossing is either taking opportunities from citizens or a treason to their "real country." These arguments are made both in Mexico about the "Americans" and in the US about the "Mexicans". These national definitions and tags for people seem outdated and retrograde, especially in Post-Nafta North America. Most of us are in motion all the time. Monterrey is Texas. Houston is Mexico. Michoacan is California. California is Baja. Arizona is Sonora.
Make a note of that one. Or use this note as a link to return to.
Now have Facebook. In addition to the preexisting Blogspot, Skype, Messenger and Gchat. Not sure why all these things exist. Oh yeah, to keep in touch.
Not sure what being in such touch provides. Besides making our heads heavy and weighted. Makes us not want to unplug. Makes non-electronic communication strange.
Know the people will now begin to demand the acquisition of a MySpace, a Twitter, and who the hell knows what other cyber appendage to add to my brain. I wonder what our cyber appendages would look like visually.
That's why we all need residencies. To turn off the cyber appendages while in natural spaces and lively mechanical spaces. Make a note of that.
Bush, Georgia, Russia, Sharpie Maps of the US and Aleksandra Mir
This article by Lisa Karpova from English Pravda illuminates the problems with post-Iraq US foreign policy, i.e. we have no high horse to stand on. Or even a small miniature horse.
Thanks to Linh Dinh I also now know about Aleksandra Mir whose
works often take the form of social processes that are open for anyone who wishes giving the work meaning. The work of art is an exercise that operates in everyday life; a humanistic and playful organism with a large social appetite.
Here is a rad project she did drawing communal Sharpie maps of the US with her friends:
I believe in these kinds of communal projects which mix text and people and communal life and visual art. Yes I do. And here are more photos from the Church of Sharpie. Awesome.
I also recommend you read this interview with Aleksandra Mir on a blog called myartspace. In it she provides tips for emerging artists:
"Don't even think of getting involved with drugs. Limit your drinking. Only social smoke. Eat basic nutritious foods. Dress warm. Be honest. Be on time. Be generous. And with all this, stay angry."
Mahmoud Darwish (15 March 1941, al Birwa, Palestine – 9 August 2008, Houston, Exile)
He Embraced His Murderer
He embraces his murderer.
May he win his heart: Do you feel angrier if I survive?
Brother...My brother! What did I do to make you destroy me?
Two birds fly overhead. Why don't you shoot upwards? What do you say?
You grew tired of my embrace and my smell. Aren't you just as tired of the fear within me?
Then throw your gun in the river! What do you say?
The enemy on the riverbank aim his machine gun at an embrace? Shoot the enemy!
Thus we avoid the enemy's bullets and keep from falling into sin.
What do you say? You'll kill me so the enemy can go to our home
and descend again into the law of the jungle?
What did you do with my mother's coffee, with your mother's coffee?
What crime did I commit to make your destroy me?
I will never cease embracing you.
And I will never release you.
Lo que le viene al robapatrias
En el Álamo no habremos de dejar ni un sobreviviente, tal como se hizo hace más de cien años, cuando nuestros antepasados acabaron con todos, incluso con el más cobarde de ellos, un pobre diablo que se escondió tembloroso bajo su cama, y que al ser sorprendido imploró perdón de rodillas. Pero ninguna piedad habría para un robapatrias, y el metal le entró por la carne y el gringuito gritó y lloró y se sumió en contorsiones.
El Premio Aura Estrada / The Aura Estrada Prize
I've written here before about my friend Aura Estrada and about her life and her tragic passing last year. Now everything is in motion for a new prize for a young woman writing in Spanish, the Aura Estrada Prize, which will be inaugurated this November at the Feria Internacional de Libro en Guadalajara:
The Aura Estrada Prize will be awarded biannually to a female writer, 35 or under, living in Mexico or the United States, who writes creative prose (fiction or nonfiction) in Spanish. The prize will include a stipend (how much depends on how much we are able to raise for the endowment, but we hope it will be approximately $15,000.) It also, so far, includes residencies at three writers‘ colonies, Ucross in Wyoming, Ledig House in New York, and Santa Maddalena in Tuscany, Italy. Residencies can last up to two months each. Granta en Español will also publish an excerpt of the winner‘s writing.
If you are interested in supporting the scholarship, there is a way to donate at the website. Also, in addition to all of her work already published on the Internet and in print, you can read her writings next year in an anthology to be published by Almadía.
We miss you Aura.
He escrito aquí antes de mi amiga, Aura Estrada, de su vida y de su muerte trágico el año pasado. Ahora, en noviembre en la FIL Guadalajara, van a inaugurar un nuevo premio dedicado a su memoria y a ayudar a escritoras de la lengua castellana a sobresalir a nivel mundial, el Premio Aura Estrada:
El Premio Aura Estrada se entregará a una escritora de 35 años o menor, que viva en México o en Estados Unidos, que escriba en español narrativa de cualquier género. Tendrá una periodicidad bianual. La ganadora recibirá un estipendio de un monto aproximado a los $15,000 US dls. dependiendo de la cantidad que se recabe, y por lo menos tres residencias en las siguientes colonias de escritores: Ucross, en Wyoming, Ledig House en Nueva York, y Santa Maddalena en la Toscana, en Italia. Cada una de estas tres residencias tendrá una duración de hasta dos meses. Granta en español publicará una colaboración de la ganadora.
Si te interesa apoyar economicamente a la beca, pueden donarle fondos aquí. También, además de todo lo que tiene publicado en el Internet y en revistas ahora, podrán leer sus escritos el año que viene en una antología de Almadía.
Te extrañamos Aura.
It's the one the only once in a lifetime palindrome birthday.
El único palindromático cumpleaños que voy a tener.
At one time at one moment you felt love for one person and it surrounded you multiplied you exponentially making air light and light air robbing you of bitterness and anger and pain and when the moment passed you still said you loved that person out of respect for that feeling and maybe since then that emotion that overwhelming tenderness that sense of expansiveness and joy has arrived again or maybe it hasn’t for quite some time but despite its momentary fragmented appearance you called that feeling love and then subsequently you loved that person. So now there is love the feeling a noun something which is of an instant and beautiful and fills you with light and air and then there is love the verb the state of being and the action that you do more or less it is supposed constantly. Between the two the noun and the verb there is a semantic distance. It’s not just a question of semantics or maybe it is and that’s what makes it so important. Semantics. Love is a moment then an explosion of air and light and to love is a daily decision to hold tight to that feeling and shelter it and to await its twinkling reappearance. But the verb love is comprised of many small moments and is not a constant state at all but a kind of arc on an XY graph with points on it but love is never a line. That moment you felt reappears at intervals sometimes often and sometimes less so always out of the ether and unexpected never willed or called into being and in the meantime the verb of love ties these moments together but could never be constantly felt in that way and so the semantic distance between love and to love is clear. If only how to love in the wide expanses between the appearances of the noun of love were so obvious.
Entertain thoughts of writing one of these people every day, clearly fiction then, obviously imagining. Walking down the stairs from the Metro above ground platform down to the sidewalk to wait in line to transfer to the bus. Another woman elbows past me down the aisle to grab a pole for balance. As the bus pulls away, the same boy from yesterday with his hair styled back into the mullet-mohawk and a long tuft of frizzy blonde hair sticking out of the back. His fuzz still there blowing behind him as he mutters quietly to himself, looking upset about missing the bus. The next one will be a long wait, see.
It's impossible to know what anyone is thinking by looking at them. Especially when that other person is not even thinking in this language I am using to write. But feelings are not in any language, I guess. Feelings like how the woman in front of me must have felt when the bus rounded a particularly sharp turn and my body, my pelvis slammed into her. Feelings. The bus trundled and rocked along, I wondering if I had a camera if I could look at it like I was looking at the pictures, but with the flash turned off, and secretly snatch a photo of the young man sitting in front of me, his head halfway out the little plastic slide-open window, staring wistfully at something invisible. Barely made it off the bus and hurried across the little cobblestone crosswalk and into the traffic circle. (Crossing a "cobblestone crosswalk" sounds so typical, so traditional, so México Profundo and so far from another true statement: crossing a ten lane highway with six lanes going under and four going over, anchored by a traffic circle.) Two rotund woman, both short of stature, in yellow uniforms swept the side of the road around the traffic circle, sweeping up dust and flowers and leaves.
And I, hurrying off to work, sleepcrusted eyes and worn down and glad not to be driving in a lonely compartment separated from everyone else, equally isolated whether on a twenty-two lane highway or a no-lane side street in my own neighborhood.
Entre San Antonio y Cotulla
La historia de hoy
Llevaba sentado en el café desde las diez y media
Esperando que apareciera en cualquier momento.
Habían dado las doce, y seguía esperándolo.
Eran más de la una y media, y el café estaba casi vacío.
Se había cansado de leer los periódicos
mecánicamente. De sus tres solitarios chelines
ya sólo le quedaba uno: en tan larga espera
había gastado los otros en cafés y coñacs.
Había acabado los cigarrillos.
Tanta espera lo estaba consumiendo.
Tras tantas horas solitarias,
había empezado a tener pensamientos inquietantes
sobre la vida inmoral que estaba llevando.
Pero cuando vio entrar a su amigo...
fatiga, aburrimiento y pensamientos desaparecieron a la vez.
Su amigo traía inesperadas noticias:
había ganado sesenta libras a las cartas.
Sus bellos rostros, su exquisita juventud,
el sensible amor que compartían
fueron refrescados, estimulados, vigorizados
por aquellas sesenta libras de la mesa de juego.
Y llenos de alegría, vitalidad, sentimiento y encanto
Fueron –no a las casas de sus respetables familias
(en las que ya no se les aceptaba)–
a una familiar y muy especial
casa de libertinaje, donde pidieron una habitación
y bebidas caras, y volvieron a beber.
Y cuando las bebidas se hubieron acabado
cerca ya de las cuatro de la mañana,
felices, se entregaron al amor.
The jellyfish dead on the beach washing up to shore stranded on the coast was the first sign of homesickness. Also the refinery towers rusted storage tanks and rocky embankments. A weak blackened stream emerging from a natural canyon or well a ditch or some word that is placed between canyon and ditch. After turning back reencountered footprints rounded voluptuous marks smooth and disparate each one a unique impacting. Elicited a certain sensitivity a tenderness a softness of heart and watching the marks the question whose footprints are those and who has walked this way and imagined a body and the body was smooth and tender as well and a sense of loss permeated from shoulders into elbows and back down to ankles as if this body were submerged repeatedly in water like laundry in a washing tub gently by hands of habitual work. All around the spray of the sea sandy rocks coated by a yellowish orangish algae a wall built to protect the homes in the distance on both sides towers rise up and it seemed yet to be everything the word beautiful was invented to signify. But then again the dead jellyfish refinery towers rusted storage tanks potholed pavement on the way down dusty embankments plants suffocated by dust and the drainage stream I could not cross. Also algae and walls and industrial tourism maybe are not what beauty is. Whatever the case may be the space in this heart reserved for this day will not include what is beautiful. This heart stakes a claim to what was amiss. And all of the wrongness made one pine for home.
(Foto by Abraham Palafox. See Abraham´s fotoblog here. Gracias, Abraham.)
(This is a reprint from the Catalogue of Feeling.)